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Re-Creations Interior Design

Transforming Space in Place

by Lynda Spencer-Evans

Over the last thirty years, one of the most important things to me has been to create a home that reflects my soul. I believe each home has its own spirit. Combine that spirit with the souls that inhabit the space, and a beautiful masterpiece can be created.

When I say “masterpiece” I’m not referring to grandiosity and expensive furnishings. What’s in your home is a direct description of who you are. Your décor tells people about you. Some people prefer quirky and playful environments, full of innovative ideas. Other prefer perfectly ordered and rational. The home should be a reflection of its occupants

Lynda's office
Lynda’s office space is warm and inviting

I like to help people decorate their home to reflect their true soul. I first suggest that people declutter. Sort through everything, getting rid of the excess, and then reintroduce the elements that truly represent you.

This is where I also like to introduce Feng Shui: The Chinese Art of Placement. It can be applied to an individual room, or to an entire home or office. The flow of chi and energy is important to one’s sense of well-being. Re-arranging the items within a space can completely change the flow of a room.

I recently completed a course in “Home Staging,” which is used by realtors to help sell homes. What I learned is that staging can help your home look bigger, brighter, cleaner, warmer and more loving.

All of these attributes are beneficial to a seller. But why not apply some of these principles to make your home more comfortable while you’re still living in it?

When I was in college in the sixties, I was certain I wanted to be a nurse. The idea of helping people resonated with me.

I soon realized I really didn’t have what it took to be a nurse, but I enjoyed helping my friends a lot with their homes: decorating, arranging, accessorizing, selecting paint and even wallpapers (which were very popular back then.) They loved what I was doing and I loved doing it. I realized that this was the field for me, so I decided to pursue design school in NYC.

In 1992, I moved to Santa Fe, New Mexico with my two youngest children and had an opportunity to work with well-known designer Carolyn Richow, who’s an expert in Southwest Décor.

By 2002, I was on Cape Cod and employed by Polhemus, Savery, DaSilva Architect/Builders in Chatham. I worked directly with the clients, selecting all plumbing fixtures, tile, flooring, electrical fixtures, hardware and paint colors.

Over the years, I’ve worked on projects of all different sizes and budgets – from just selecting a paint color, to full-scale design.

I worked on an office on Newbury Street in Boston, and Optometrist Office, and state of the art bathrooms. Once I was asked to do an entire college in Antrim, New Hampshire!

But I also know how to decorate on the cheap. I’ve refinished furniture, scouted yard sales, torn apart drapes, re-upholstered and done just about anything else to give that certain space a new life and new look.

Terrene Green Building Supplies in Yarmouth is a wonderful source for anyone wanting to upgrade their home to “go green.”

The paints and recycled materials being offered now are very exciting, giving one a good feeling about caring for Mother Earth.

I’m excited to be opening my new business, Re-creations Interior Design. My goal is to help people by creating environments for my clients that nurture body, mind and spirit. Some simple suggestions I employ to help accomplish this goal:

  1. Use color, light and sound to improve quality of life.
  2. Arrange the home using the principles of Feng Shui to help attract energy, success, love and wealth.
  3. Clear clutter painlessly and simplify the space.

I look forward to meeting new clients and new challenges in my life-long love affair with design.

Lynda Spencer-Evans owns and operates Re-Creations Interior Design in Orleans.
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Lynda Spencer-Evans

Re-Creations Interior Design

9 Cove Road, Orleans
Open Mon-Fri 10:00 to 4:00
or by appointment
Contact Lynda
at 508-922-6920
or email:


Re-Creations Interior Design
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